
photo by Leslie Houx

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For Claire Bear

Ok, I had to do separate posts for my twinies because I am a big believer in giving them separate identities. If you have ever seen us out and about, you know that I never match them...its very rare! I try not to say "the twins" when I am talking about them although sometimes its just easier. They are just so different and I love that they look nothing alike. Take Claire for instance. She has the most hair out of all my girls at this age, she is taller and chubbier than her sister and has the bluest eyes! She is my sweetie and our sensitive one. A total mommies girl...Claire always wants to snuggle with me. When she is with her sisters, she is a little more mellow and likes to play off by herself. She is totally content to have her alone time. I really get that! She may look like her daddy but I think she has a lot in common with me. She makes the most silly faces and absolutely loves music. I think she is going to be a great dancer. Oh! And one amazing thing about her...she can snap her fingers!! Claire does it to the beat when she hears a song, she is awesome! So this one is for my youngest. Love you Claire Bear! :) ~Mom


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